Privacy Policy
Honey Mails takes data privacy seriously. This privacy policy explains who we are, how we collect, share and use Personal Information, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.

1. Basics

A. About Us

Honey Mails is an online marketing platform operated by Mr. Duncan C.A, a company headquartered in Tenerife Spain

Our Service enables our Members to, among other things, send and manage email campaigns across channels, serve advertisements. We also provide other related services, such as real-time data analytics and insights to help our Members track and personalize their marketing activities. Find out more about our Service here.

B. Key Terms

In this privacy policy, these terms have the following meanings:

"Affiliate": means an entity that directly or indirectly Controls, is Controlled by or is under common Control with an entity.

"Contact": is a person a Member may contact through our Service. In other words, a Contact is anyone on a Member's Distribution List about whom a Member has given us information or is anyone who has otherwise interacted with a Member via the Service. For example, if you are a Member, a subscriber to your email marketing campaigns or a shopper to your Website or Landing Page would be considered a Contact.

"Control": means an ownership, voting or similar interest representing fifty percent (50%) or more of the total interests then outstanding of the entity in question. The term 'Controlled' shall be construed accordingly.

"Subscribers List": is a list of Contacts a Member may upload or manage on our platform and all associated information related to those Contacts (for example, email addresses).

"Member": means any person or entity that is registered with us to use the Service.

"Personal Information": means any information that identifies or can be used to identify an individual directly or indirectly. Examples of Personal Information include, but are not limited to, first and last name, date of birth, email address, gender, occupation, or other demographic information.

"Visitor": means, depending on the context, any person who visits any of our Honey Mails Sites, offices, or otherwise engages with us at our events or in connection with our marketing or recruitment activities.

"you" and your: means, depending on the context, either a Member, a Contact, or a Visitor.

2. Privacy for Members

This section applies to the Personal Information we collect and process from a Member or potential Member through the provision of the Service. If you are not a Member, the Visitors or Contacts section of this policy may be more applicable to you and your data. In this section, 'you' and 'your' refer to Members and potential Members

A. Information We Collect

The Personal Information that we collect depends on the context of your interactions with Honey Mails, your Honey Mails account settings, the products and features you use, your location, and applicable law. However, the Personal Information we collect broadly falls into the following categories

(i)Information you provide to us: You (or your organization) may provide certain Personal Information to us when you sign up for a Honey Mails account and use the Service, consult with our customer service team, send us an email, integrate the Service with another website or service (for example, when you choose to connect your e-commerce account with Honey Mails), or communicate with us in any other way.

This information may include:

  • Business contact information (such as your name, job title, organization, location, phone number, email address, and country).

  • Marketing information (such as your contact preferences).

  • Account log-in credentials (such as your email address or username and password when you sign up for an account with us).

  • Troubleshooting and support data (which is data you provide or we otherwise collect in connection with support queries we receive from you. This may include contact or authentication data, the content of your chats and other communications with us, and the product or service you are using related to your help inquiry).

  • Payment information (including your credit card numbers and associated identifiers and billing address).

(ii)Information we collect automatically: When you use the Service, we and our third-party partners may automatically collect or receive certain information about your device and usage of the Service (collectively “Service Usage Data”). In some (but not all) countries, including countries in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), this information is considered Personal Information under applicable data protection laws. We and our third-party partners use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect some of this information. If you are using our Mobile App, we may collect this information using our software development kits (“SDKs”) or APIs the first time the SDK or API is initiated on your Mobile App

Service Usage Data may include:

  • Device Information: We collect information about the device and applications you use to access the Service, such as your IP address, your operating system, your browser ID, viewfinder size, and other information about your system and connection. If you are using our Mobile App, we may also collect information about the cellular network associated with your mobile device, your mobile device’s operating system or platform, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device’s name and unique device ID, and information about the features of our Mobile App that you accessed.

  • Log data: Our web servers keep log files that record data each time a device accesses those servers and the nature of each access, including originating IP addresses and your activity in the Service (such as the date/time stamps associated with your usage, pages and files viewed, searches and other actions you take (for example, which features you used)), device event information (such as system activity, error reports (sometimes called ‘crash dumps’)), and hardware settings. We may also access metadata and other information associated with files that you upload into our Service.

  • Usage data: USAGEDATA_MSG.

(iii) Información que recopilamos de otras fuentes: From time to time, we may obtain information about you from third-party sources, such as public databases, social media platforms, third-party data providers, and our joint marketing partners

Examples of the information we receive from other sources include demographic information (such as age and gender), device information (such as IP addresses), location (such as city and state), and online behavioral data (such as information about your use of social media websites, page view information and search results and links). We use this information, alone or in combination with other Personal Information we collect, to enhance our ability to provide relevant marketing and content to you and to develop and provide you with more relevant products, features, and service

B. Use of Personal Information

We may use the Personal Information we collect or receive through the Service (alone or in combination with other data we source) for the purposes and on the legal bases identified below:

  • To bill and collect money owed to us by you to perform our contract with you for the use of the Service or where we have not entered into a contract with you, in accordance with our legitimate interests to operate and administer our Service. This includes sending you emails, invoices, receipts, notices of delinquency, and alerting you if we need a different credit card number. We use third parties for secure credit card transaction processing, and those third parties collect billing information to process your orders and credit card payments. To learn more about the steps we take to safeguard that data, see the 'Our Security' section of this privacy policy.

  • To send you system alert messages in reliance on our legitimate interests in administering the Service and providing certain features. For example, we may inform you about temporary or permanent changes to our Service, such as planned outages, or send you account, security or compliance notifications, such as new features, version updates, releases, abuse warnings, and changes to this privacy policy.

  • To communicate with you about your account and provide customer support to perform our contract with you for the use of the Service or where we have not entered into a contract with you, in reliance on our legitimate interests in administering and supporting our Service. For example, if you use our Mobile Apps, we may ask you if you want to receive push notifications about activity in your account. If you have opted in to these push notifications and no longer want to receive them, you may turn them off through your operating system.

  • To enforce compliance with our Standard Terms of Use and applicable law, and to protect the rights and safety of our Members in reliance on our legitimate interest to protect against misuse or abuse of our Service and to pursue remedies available. This may include developing tools and algorithms that help us prevent violations. For example, sometimes we review the content our Members send or display to ensure it complies with our Standard Terms of Use. To improve that process, we have software that helps us find content that may violate our Standard Terms of Use. We may or our third-party service provider may also review content that our Members send or display. This benefits all Members who comply with our Standard Terms of Use because it reduces abuse and helps us maintain a reliable platform. Please do not use Honey Mails to send or display confidential information.

  • To meet legal requirements, including complying with court orders, valid discovery requests, valid subpoenas, and other appropriate legal mechanisms.

  • To provide information to representatives and advisors, including attorneys and accountants, to help us comply with legal, accounting, or security requirements in reliance on our legitimate interests.

  • To prosecute and defend a court, arbitration, or similar legal proceeding.

  • To respond to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

  • To provide, support and improve the Service to perform our contract with you for the use of the Service or where we have not entered into a contract with you, in reliance on our legitimate interests in administering and improving the Service and providing certain features. For example, this may include improving the navigation and content of the Service and sharing your information with third parties in order to provide and support our Service or to make certain features of the Service available to you. When we share your Personal Information with third parties, we take steps to protect your information in a manner that is consistent with our obligations under applicable privacy laws. For further information about how we share your information, refer to Section 5 below.

  • To provide suggestions to you and to provide tailored features within our Service that optimize and personalize your experience in reliance on our legitimate interests in administering the Service and providing certain features. This includes adding features that compare Members’ email campaigns, using data to suggest other publishers your Contacts may be interested in, or using data to recommend products or services that you may be interested in or that may be relevant to you or your Contacts. Some of these suggestions are generated through analysis of the data used in our data analytics projects, as described below.

  • To perform data analytics projects in reliance on our legitimate business interests in improving and enhancing our products and services for our Members. Our data analytics projects use data from Honey Mails accounts, including Personal Information of Contacts, to provide and improve the Service. We use information like your sending habits and your Contacts’ purchase history, so we can make more informed predictions, decisions, and products for our Members. For example, we use data from Honey Mails accounts to enable product recommendation, audience segmentation, and predicted demographics features for our Members. If you or your Contact prefers not to have their data used for this purpose, you can alter the settings on your account (as described here) to opt out of data analytics projects, or your Contact can opt out of data analytics projects at any time by visiting this page or emailing us at As always, we take the privacy of Personal Information seriously, and will continue to implement appropriate safeguards to protect this Personal Information from misuse or unauthorized disclosure.

  • To combine and anonymize data about our Members and our Member's use of the Service in order to create aggregate, anonymized statistics which we may use to provide certain features within the Service and for promoting and improving the Service in reliance on our legitimate interests.

  • To personalize the Service, content and advertisements we serve to you in reliance on our legitimate interests in supporting our marketing activities and providing certain features within the Service. We may use your Personal Information to serve you specifically, such as to deliver marketing information, product recommendations and non-transactional communications (e.g., email, telemarketing calls, SMS, or push notifications) about us, in accordance with your marketing preferences and this privacy policy.

C. Third-Party Integrations

We may use the Personal Information we collect or receive through the Service, as a processor and as otherwise stated in this privacy policy, to enable your use of the integrations and plugins you choose to connect to your Honey Mails account. For instance, if you choose to connect a Google integration to your Honey Mails account, we’ll ask you to grant us permission to view and/or download, as applicable, your Google Sheets, Google Contacts, Google Analytics and Google Drive. This allows us to configure your Google integration(s) in accordance with your preferences. For example, if you wanted to use the Google Contacts integration to share the templates in your Honey Mails account with contacts in your Google address book, we would need to access your Google Contacts to share your templates

C. Member Distribution Lists

In order to send an email campaign or use certain features in your account, you need to upload a Distribution List that provides us information about your Contacts, such as their names and email addresses. We use and process this information to provide the Service in accordance with our contract with you or your organization and this privacy policy

A Distribution List can be created in a number of ways, including by importing Contacts, such as through a CSV or directly from your email client. We do not, under any circumstances, sell your Distribution Lists. If someone on your Distribution List complains or contacts us, we might then contact that person. You may export (download) your Distribution Lists from Honey Mails by accessing the “Audience” tab from within your account

If we detect abusive or illegal behavior related to your Distribution List, we may share your Distribution List or portions of it with affected ISPs or anti-spam organizations to the extent permitted or required by applicable law

If a Contact chooses to use the Forward to a Friend (FTF) link in an email campaign a Member sends, it will allow the Contact to share the Member’s email content with individuals not on the Member’s Distribution List. When a Contact forwards an email to a friend, we do not store the Contact’s email address or their friend’s email address, and no one is added to any Distribution List as a result of the FTF link. The Member who created the email campaign only sees an aggregate number of times their email campaign was forwarded by a Contact and does not have access to the email addresses used to share or receive that forwarded content

C. Your Data Protection Rights

Depending on the country in which you reside, you may have the following data protection rights:

  • To access; correct; update; port; delete; restrict; or object to our processing of your Personal Information.

  • You can manage your individual account and profile settings within the dashboard provided through the Honey Mails platform, or you may contact us directly by emailing us at You can also manage information about your Contacts within the dashboard provided through the Honey Mails platform to assist you with responding to requests to access, correct, update, port or delete information that you receive from your Contacts. Note, if any of your Contacts wish to exercise any of these rights, they should contact you directly, or contact us as described in the “Privacy for Contacts” section below. You can also contact us at any time to update your own marketing preferences (see Section 5. General Information, C. Your Choices and Opt-Outs below). Honey Mails takes reasonable steps to ensure that the data we collect is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete and up to date.

  • The right to complain to a data protection authority about the collection and use of Personal Information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. Contact details for data protection authorities in the EEA and UK are available here and Switzerland are available here.

  • Similarly, if Personal Information is collected or processed on the basis of consent, the data subject can withdraw their consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of your Personal Information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent. If you receive these requests from Contacts, you can segment your lists within the Honey Mails platform to ensure that you only market to Contacts who have not opted out of receiving such marketing.

We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection law. We may ask you to verify your identity in order to help us respond efficiently to your request. If we receive a request from one of your Contacts, we will either direct the Contact to reach out to you, or, if appropriate, we may respond directly to their request

3. Privacy for Contacts

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